Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Battlefield 3 Pre-Order Bonus Debate Settled

EA states that pre-order items will not give players any advantages

Today, Electronic Arts clarified that the pre-order items for
Battlefield 3 (Physical Warfare Pack and Back to Karkand) will not give any players an advantage over other players. Shortly after the pre-order items were announced, players began to voice their complaints due to the fact that these pre-order items contained weapons other players would not receive. EA stated that these weapons would not give a player any advantage, but rather give them a more varied arsenal of weapons. Both packs will also be available to buy without pre-order sometime after it releases. Battlefield 3 releases on October 25, 2011.

For more information, check the below video for a full preview of the game: 

 If the above video does not work, click here: Battlefield 3

-knighthwk001, Admin

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